Expressing the Inexpressible & Materializing the Immaterial

The Harmonious Fusion of Abstract Art and Poetry

“In swirls of color, whispers arise. Echoes of emotions make the canvas come to life. Each stroke a tale, untold and free. In realms of abstract where dreams decree. With every line, a journey unfolds. A symphony composed by blues and golds.
As the brush caresses the canvas, a poet’s hand in silent grace. The painting becomes a sanctuary, a refuge in time and space.” 

My name is Tindara and I am an abstract artist and writer. Creating is my passion and I am happy to share the fruit of my passion, my paintings and poems, with you. Discover my newest collections and order your custom piece of art now!


As in the heavens above, so beneath the surface of the water below. As within the sanctum of our soul, so without, in the material realm. As this ancient philosophical axiom states: the microcosm reflects the macrocosm, and vice versa.
This collection invites you to explore the vastness of the ocean and the boundless universe. Both realms, with their awe-inspiring beauty, share a deep connection, transcending their apparent differences.


Acrylic on Canvas – 18 x 24 cm each


Acrylic on Canvas – 18 x 24 cm each


In a world of mapped lines and arbitrary borders, both geopolitical and societal constraints limit human potential. This collection challenges this paradigm, emphasizing that true potential lies within the realm of boundless possibilities.


Acrylic on Canvas – 18 x 24 cm each


Acrylic on Canvas – 18 x 24 cm each

A Glimpse Behind the Facade

Tindara Biller Guimarães

Want to know more about the soul behind the artworks and my journey as an artist?

Delve into my artistic evolution, tracing the trajectory from self-expression to the transformation of art into my professional calling. 

Don't miss it!

Exhibition in Praia da Pipa

Come see my art exposed at the Vernissage XY in Praia da Pipa, RN. 

27 Apr



Boteco XY, Praia da Pipa

"Making art is about surrendering to the stream of creative energy that flows through you. It is about loosing track of time and space and being guided by intuition. It is about expressing the inexpressible and materializing the immaterial. When you are truly immersed in the creative process, you are not the painter, you are the pencil."

Tindara Biller Guimarães