A glimpse behind the facade
Tindara Biller Guimarães
I find it hard to encounter the right labels and words to talk about myself. To define myself with terms and numbers. I am multitudes, play so many roles in this theater of life and relate to so many people in unique ways. I am a mother, daughter, sister, a wive and a friend. An artist, a writer a food lover and so much more.
I have a profound passion for creating in general and painting, as well as poetry, serve as my primary avenue for self-expression. Specializing in acrylic and mixed media abstract pieces, I intertwine the visual and poetic realms, by accompaning each painting is by a uniquely composed poem.
My Story
For as long as I remember, art has always played an important role in my life. Since I was little I used to draw and paint and I even had a poetry book in which I would collect my own poems as well as poems that I liked.
But as much as I loved art, I always had a passion for knowledge, too. And so my educational path first evolved into a more academic direction. My highschool focus was on languages and I studied sociology and communication sciences. I got my bachelors degree when I was 21 y./o. and started to work in the area of Digital Marketing right away. After 4 years in the best agency ever I quit my job out of the blue to honor my intuition and my calling to leave Switzerland to travel.
I ended up travelling all over Europe with my beloved dog Yuma, being a self-employed Digital Nomad, working barely the minimum hours to get by in order to «buy time» and dedicate all of my leisure time to my passion: Art. In Portugal I ended up meeting the love of my life, Diego, to whom I am married today and raise 2 (soon 3) beautiful children with. Creating a warm, loving, healthy home with my family definitely is my other big passion in life – besides my love for Art in all its shapes and forms.
The Self-Taught Artist
Embracing the Journey of Mastery
Being an artist is a lifelong journey filled with self-discovery, experimentation and growth. While formal training can be helpful to gain knowledge about materials and techniques, the essence of artistry lies in the ability to teach oneself. Every artist, regardless of their educational background, must embrace self-teaching as they incorporate external influences into their unique creative process.
One of the beautiful aspects of being a self-taught artist is the freedom it provides to embrace individuality. By immersing oneself in the creative process, artists have the opportunity to explore and uncover their unique style, techniques and artistic voice. They are not bound by conventional rules, but rather have the freedom to break boundaries, experiment and create art that is a true reflection of their individual self, their unique vision.
I spent uncountable hours observing the work of others, dissecting and understanding the elements that resonate with me personally and finding ways to infuse that into my own creations. I experimented with different styles, mediums and techniques for years until descovering my true artistic identity. I learned a lot about persistence and dedication, the power of trial and error and commitment. My skills today are the result of a wild, creative journey and years of practicing my passion.
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In a world defined by lines on a map, national borders stand as arbitrary constructs that often limit the scope of human potential. Just as these geopolitical boundaries are drawn and redrawn with historical context, societal limits, too, are products of our collective choices. It’s a paradigm that I am questioning with this collection, for within the realm of limitless possibilities lies the key to unlocking our true potential.
National borders, despite their tangible impact on politics and identity, are fundamentally human-made. They delineate territories, separate cultures, and establish legal jurisdictions. However, their arbitrary nature becomes apparent upon closer inspection. They are, in essence, agreements among societies, subject to change and reinterpretation.
Similarly, the limits we impose on ourselves as a society, whether in terms of creativity, innovation, or social progress, are choices rooted in perception. By understanding the arbitrary nature of these borders, we begin to unravel the mental constraints that society places upon us – or rather we place upon ourselves. Just as countries may redefine their boundaries, we, too, have the power to redefine the limits that govern our personal and collective aspirations.
The idea that limitations are choices challenges the conventional narrative and invites us to question the validity of constraints we’ve accepted as truths. And this is what this collection is essentially about.
Choosing to believe in fewer limitations opens up a realm of untapped potential. It’s a mental shift that encourages exploration beyond traditional boundaries, prompting us to challenge preconceived notions and envision new possibilities. Embracing a mindset of limitlessness allows us to tap into reservoirs of creativity and innovation, fostering an environment where breakthroughs become not just possible but inevitable. Our potential knows no borders. It transcends the lines drawn on maps and paintings and the mental boundaries we’ve constructed. It is a force that thrives when liberated from the shackles of self-imposed limitations. As we navigate this complex tapestry of existence, recognizing the arbitrary nature of borders, both physical and mental, becomes a catalyst for unleashing the boundless capabilities that lie within us.
In embracing the limitless, we embark on a journey toward a future where our collective potential knows no bounds.